Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Oh my, it's so bad that makes me wanna cry!!!!
Lots of project and assignment deadlines to meet. But that's not something new.
The bad thing is that all my projects are screwed max cause we chose the wrong company to work on,
AND what makes it worse is that the prof sucks max and are sure not going to let us off!
When things are getting from bad to worse, i just feel like running away from it.
But, my group mates won;t let me be! ARGHHHHH save me someone, anyone, just please save me from this mess.
what we could have been, 6:37 PM.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
First week of school has been just great.
Its like preparing soldiers for wars.
First assignment on the first lesson, due on the second lesson.
Year 3 ain't any better than year 2, or not a whole lot worse!
I would just go with the flow i guess,
As the going get tough, the tough gets going!
what we could have been, 6:05 PM.
Thursday, August 05, 2010
The office is freezing cold!!!
Yeah! last two days working... but closer to school starting.
maybe school isn't that bad.
keeps me occupied.
and that perhaps can help me, to be less paranoid.
I've been thinking,
of alot of things...
And i think i'm thinking too much,
cos i'm too free.
Even at work.
Ever tried screaming at your own voices, and begging them to stop.
Stop whatever they're thinking.
Stop thinking of things they shouldn't think.
Just stop!
what we could have been, 11:58 AM.
Sch's starting so soon.... oh man.
Already starting to feel blue already~
what we could have been, 6:01 PM.
Am i thinking too much? Am i too paranoid?
what we could have been, 1:34 PM.
In life,
There's bound to be regrets,
And regrets, is to remind yourself how stupid you once were and to tell yourself never to do it again!
what we could have been, 3:01 PM.
Show's concert is awesome!!!! haha, thou i remained really calm during the whole 2 hours.
And dearie thought i was unhappy. Of cos i'm not la!
Photos of show is with dearie, cos i was really focusing on watching his performance. No time for photo taking!
Camwhored abit before the concert starts.

And with the 3d glasses...

I am a happy girl recently!
Not to mention, i bought two new dresses today! Eh, okay, my dearie paid for one, gotta give him credit for this. HAHA
I'm so gonna wear them so very soon!
Once again, as i am a grateful girl,
THANK YOU, Dearie!!! For everything! =D
what we could have been, 12:13 AM.