i really hated the way polyclinics are operated. or rather, the attittude those doctor and nurses have. i mean, yeah...its the polyclinic and thus those ppl who go there pay much lesser than private clinic but then their attitude could be way much better right. Today's the second time i went to a polyclinic, and i guess it would also be my last. going to a polyclinic could simply means waste your whole day waiting and waiting. the doctor there also cannot make it. i was stunned when the doctor asked me "so? and whats my purpose in visiting" after i tell her where i'm feeling not well. haha i mean, ppl see doctor to get well la. for goodness sake, this kinda thing also need me to say out ah. and she will take any slighest opportunities to eat snake la. really can't stand their this" ai mai ai mai attitude". perhaps its because its a govt thingy and thus they're like that.
what we could have been, 5:48 PM.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
you know, i'm beginning to dislike ang mohs. some ang mohs are fine, they're polite and all but i kinda agree with my sister that they're polite only when they have a favor to ask for. and other than that, they think they're big fuck. You know, this morning i've recieve a call from a ang moh, and hes looking for my boss la but then my boss is in a discussion so i asked him to call back later. there's nothing wrong with that right??? the reason i never take down his contact is cos i know my boss normally won't call back de, she will prefer the person to call her back. then this stupid demanding ang moh ask me why am i rushing to put down the phone, ask me why i never ask his contact and then go on scolding some stuff la. really feel like scolding him. haha in the end i told him I"M JUST A TEMP. no use telling me what sicome stuff should be like and blah blah blah. like i really care.
oh ya, i think i will have lots of things to do already cos my boss saw me blogging again and also the stupid chat box was blinking. sign...
what we could have been, 12:53 PM.
am so damn tired now la. didn't even met the 6hours requirement of sleep. -_-zZZz really feel like sleeping now. reach home at around 12 plus yesterday i think. went dinner and chill with ying jie's frien. yesterday was another sinful day la. haha went east coast to have our dinner. they order so much..like free like that. haha but it was nice la. =) i like the indian rojak and the sting ray especially. haha but the rest like kinda so-so i guess. *yawn* i really feel like sleeping. think i stop here la.
what we could have been, 9:09 AM.
hmm....just return from lunch. its 2:10 now. haha am late for 40mins. haha but then my boss also know about it cos we went for lunch together. actually our whole dept went for lunch together la cos one of my colleague is leaving next week. yup. my boss treat use all to lunch. had our lunch at cafe cartel la. ate the hawaii pork chop. and the rest of them all eat the more health-consious grill fish. haha also ordered a hawaii pizza to share among us. but ended up they said they were too full after eating their main course and so they only took one each. haha so i did them a favor by finishing the pizza. =) my pork chop was so-so only thou. i guess i was suppose to be feeling full after eating the main and the pizza but then, don't know why i'm not exactly full yet. am feeling puzzled myself too. i always thought that after i start my diet plan, i would feel full after eating alittle. but then i guess i'm wrong. realise that dieting is all about telling yourself you're full even thou you've eaten practically nothing. hahaha aiya..will start the plan tomorrow la. i guess today i've consume at least 2000kcal or even more just for my lunch. whats more mum's cooking curry chicken tonight and i sure don't wanna miss that. hee =)
my impression of my boss had change alittle thou. before i ever had lunch with her, i thought she was a very stringent and hmm...quiet lady who doesn't like to talk much. but then today, i've seen a different her. the more outgoing and friendly one. haha or is it that she's just acting. hahaha don't know la. afterall i guess i've gain quite along indirectly from working in the company. even though i'm only here for less than 2 months. perhaps i'm lucky =)
what we could have been, 2:14 PM.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
good morning. hee. as usual, am so bored now la. haha oh ya, my aunt had the intention to send my grandma to the old folks home. honestly, i don't resist the idea, i think no one does except the maid and my mum. my mum cried yesterday, sign...don't understand why she don't like the idea. i mean it may sound cruel to send her to old folk home but the thing is that..my grandma would have proper care and also nurse and friends to talk to yah. she wil be entertained and hopefully wouldn't do all sort of stupid things to gain attention. i'm sure she'll feel much better there. but my mum don't seems to get it. my grandma staying at our house or aunt house doesn't seems to be any better either. all of us treat her as transparent except my mum. but she will only be back at night and thats when my grandma is asleep. and most importantly, grandma will be staying at our house FOREVER, because aunt is moving house soon and i guess their new house doesn't have space to fit her and the maid in. and imagine that, FOREVER, i guess i really don't wan her to stay at my house lo. it's...scary just to thought of it la.
sign...looking at my grandma i wouldnt wanna grow old next time, don't wan my grandchildren to dislike me. if i know i'm going to be senile, i would kill myself first. hahaha don't wanna bring trouble to my kids and do stupid stuff just to gain attention.
what we could have been, 9:29 AM.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
you know, i totally love my colleagues la. haha they're such nice people. today actually we wanted to treat another colleague to lunch cos she's leaving next week. it's suppose to be we all share to treat her la..but then end up is actually all along they never intended to let me pay cos they're treating us to lunch. haha..the reason is cos i'm leaving soon also. but they've already bought me something already last week. hmm...am feeling really pai seh yah. its like they keep buying and treating but..i'm not leaving. hahahaha like bluffing them like that sia. hmm..i guess i'll treat them back before i leave. =)
oh ya, saw a cookies recipe from the cookbook yesterday, its those non-bake cookies and it looks really nice la. haha i just thought that maybe i could make some myself some day. haha but i don't have the time now...sign..maybe shall stay home at weekend and test out yah. hahaha and if it turn out to be edible, i shall bring it to my workplace to let them eat. hahaha cos only they wouldn't xian qi. haha
what we could have been, 1:45 PM.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
oh man, i'm so damn sad la. Couldn't buy what i wanted. i REALLY like that dress. =( but couldn't possibly buy the display cos its not worth it right, somemore don't know how many thousand ppl tried before de. sign...but then how come so fast no stock already? all 7 outlets also no stock??? sign..how sway man. and its just being featured in magazine last month. argh...really sad la. or is it that the salesgirl bluff me..she never really call and help me check out other outlets. you know, sometimes they're just lazy to really call and check for you yah. sign..
anyway went shopping yesterday after the tep briefing. haha mine starts at 16 oct. Mic they all started theirs yesterday right after the briefing. i'm kinda happy with mine starting later but then dick and matt kept complaining. haha don't understand why. haha yesterday shopping trip was kinda fulfiling la. bought a levis belt, perlini necklace, pumps, fake nails, nail glue, double eye lash curler, lash lengthener. haha oh ya..and one more necklace from heeren. haha but it could have been more fulfuling if only the dress was available. anyway the eye lash curler was quite cool actually although i haven't really figure out how to use. haha its battery operated so..its can set your lash for one whole day without collapsing. intially i wanted to perm my eye lash but then after that discovered that buying that and curl myself is more worth it as it can last longer. hee hee.
oh ya, today's gonna be damn tired cos am covering xf work later at night. she's not feeling well la, suspect its food poisoning. and this means i'm gonna reach home only at around 10. i can predict how tired i'm gonna be. but then again, hafta help mum out yah..and there's nobody to cover xf. =)
am also looking forward to tomorrow cos grandma's going back to aunt house tomorrow i guess. i HOPE. she came in to my room in the middle of the night thrice this morning. if its not that she's my grandma and i'm really too tired to get out of the bed, i would have slap her right in her face to ask her to STOP patting my leg to wake me up. why can't she just let me off??? as if patting wasn't enough, she practically shouted for us to wake up. really can't stand her la. for those who're reading this may think that i'm very bad and BUT i could only say that you won't know exactly how we feel until you're in our shoes. its too easy to say all those big words what. "she's your grandma afterall" "try to be more tolerant" "i'm sure she doesn't wan it that way" " old ppl are like that what" i tell you if you plan to say this to me..i would rather you not saying at all. bullshit la. yeah right, i can only easily say this what.
what we could have been, 2:37 PM.