exams over! finally la. hahaha went shopping after my exams, my leg gonna break already. haha but then it was well worth it la. bought quite some stuff. bought two dress, two pants, two tops. hee =) retail theraphy. haha it can cure my depression. and yeah ate crystal jade lang mian xiao long bao for dinner. the xiao long bao was good as always!
mon will be the start of my IPP!!!!! oh my god. i'm so scared k. what if theres so many evil people in that company and they just wanna squeeze us interns dry?! argh. the thought of it..... =x. anyway i've been attached to Schroders Investment Managment. and yup. i'm alone lo. so unlucky. at least dick have mic and scott has.....erm..don't know who, then shing got hui rong and kai an. and i'm alone!!!!!!! sigh...the only thing that i should be glad about is that my allowances of $700 was consider not bad? actually its also cheap labour. haha cos its only $5 per hour. =( hafta tell myself its not a job! its a learning experience!!!!
xiaoping =)
what we could have been, 10:29 PM.
study study study! but i can't really concentrate so have decided to take a break. haha anyway i've decided to name my rabbit "share share". haha such a nice name right. haha hoping to cultivate a sharing habit in her. lol. its also because its share between me and my sis. haha =) am so looking forward to share share coming! hafta wait till she's six weeks old. hmm...and now she's only two weeks. haha growing bigger day by day. really damn cute!
haha so cute! =)

what we could have been, 3:45 PM.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Its has been a while since i last blog. haha. anyway its has been hell for the past weeks. projects and ica throughout! sbm teacher is really pyscho. lol =x. anyway went to the pet shop at vivo few days back and i saw so many cute dogs. saw one damn cute toy poodle. nearly wanted to use all my savings to buy la. damn damn cute. but then i guess my savings wan't quite enuff cos it cost $2500 over. haha i am so going to have it maybe a few years later.
anyway i'm going to have a pet rabbit soon! haha see my rabbit so cute!
Its growing day by day! now its only 90 over g. haha so tiny. =) can't wait! =)
what we could have been, 1:42 PM.