Wednesday, August 27, 2008
SCH'S HASNT BEEN KIND! yeah like this it ONLY the second week and i'm working on assignments,readings,assignments,readings ALMOST everyday alr. If i hadn't allow myself to work and slack and took some time off, i guess i'll be doing that everyday. yeah. it craziness. Its not stressful...but it just kinda make you dread going to school. Simply because school = LOTS of stuff to do. and stuff that i don't particularly enjoy.
Realise that there's alot of readings, readings and readings to do. And readings that are kinda boring..and we hafta read critically and see the articles in a different prospective. Till now, i haven really master the skill of reading critically cos normally when i do read, i don't even try to interact or doubt what the writer is writing. So this all makes it really difficult for me to...understand what prof is talking. =(
But nevertheless, i'll really try to make myself like school a little more..i guess. and not to forget i've my share share to hear me rant about all the stuff..all the cows and bitches i met. LOL.
what we could have been, 9:39 PM.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Finally!!!! 4 days of sch is enuff to kill me. is tough and we'll just hafta accept it. Some of the mod are kinda boring and i find it really useless but then again its uni core. SO sad. I'm soooo glad that i manage to meet some poly ppl and they feel like i do. BUT...they're not the same class as me for most of my Mod. damn sad la.
LASTLY, i really wanna say it.....HE's SUCHA COW! *pissed off*
what we could have been, 9:13 PM.
Today's the first day of school! yeah but i'm still at home.... hahaha sooooooooo sad. But anyway i'm waiting waiting waiting for my mum to go out first before i can go. and there she is saying she wanna wait for me to go out together!!!! oh no! i can't let her know i bought my gucci bag...for my school bag. =x hahaha i said that i'm not taking the north east line to school so that we won't be in the same way...which is totally fake cos I am definitely taking that later. LOL
anyway i found this pic of me when i was in poly days while clearing up my thumbs...LOL..i look so fuuny la!
see??? the pathway along business block...awww...i miss poly! =))))))
what we could have been, 1:37 PM.
oh man....feeling so blue right now. Sch's starting tml and i'm alr thinking of not going. LOL. haha am just thinking should i drop one module or not????? 5 seems abit too packed for me cos i'm NOT thinking of quitting teapal cos of my studies. hahaha considering the caution email smu send us....i think its really going be damn hectic???? ARGH!!!!! how i wish uni are like poly...super slack and you can still go well. haha so....should i drop???
what we could have been, 7:33 PM.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Feeling so blue that sch is starting next week. Felt like the 5 months vacation wasn't quite enough for me. And feeling especially blue cos i know sch won't be easy. Well, at least not for slacker like me. Heard lots of seniors saying that its gonna be really hectic and busy and blah blah blah...well..smu is known for stressful??? I'm not sure but will be in a weeks time. I AM SO NOT HAPPY LA! and kinda regretted bidding for 5 cus the very first sem. yeah my life is full of regrets. =(
what we could have been, 11:25 PM.
I'm totally regretting. shouldn't be so frickleminded i know but then...haha
well i went to change my damn freaking chio pink vaio to a....sad looking black hp lappy. the contrast is rather huge and so is the performance la... wonder ppl say.."Hao Kan de tong xi bu zhong yong". Yeah how true. haha but i'm really really regretting la. ARGH!!!!
But anyway..THANKS JINFU!!!! =) haha for accompanying me there just to exchange my lappy and deprive you of sleep. lol.
what we could have been, 12:17 AM.
Sony Vaio is freaking lousy. Like really. I bought it on sat..and got i went down on sun. The person change a new one for me. and yeah i'm going down like AGAIN tml. The screen just remain blank when i switch it on. I can't even freaking have the chance to press F10 like what the person ask me to lar. I'm IT idiot, that i know but i surely know how to switch on a laptop come the laptop must treat me like that?!
I'm really really sad right now as i am blogging this. Hereby warning to all who is thinking of buying Vaio....
Yeah i'm sad, dissapointed, freaking goddamn pissed off by the lappy. Such a waste of my time can?!!!! And yeah not to forget the freaking costly bus fare to travel all the way down. =((((((((
what we could have been, 12:59 AM.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Went to the Funan It mall with mum today to get my lappy. Wanted to get a toshiba one but ended up kana persuaded by the vaio salesman even thou i know vaio is not that great in terms of the specs and all. hahaha maybe it's because its so damn chio and that i dont care abt the specs so long as its usable.

And i got the matching case and mouse too! *Loves*
Even though it is freaking chio cos its all in pink...
I can't freaking start up the window...keep getting a error message!!!! oh man! and that means i've to go down again tml to see if they can fix. Giving my problem alr even before i started using it. =(
what we could have been, 12:57 AM.
Happy 1st Birthday Share Share!!!
haha finally have turn 1 year old. wish you continue to be so cute and fat! Mummy love you! =)) gonna get you a birthday present later okays? =)
what we could have been, 3:35 PM.
I can't concentrate! Stats test is coming next wed but i haven even touch on one topic yet. didn't really have much time left to study since weekend i won't be home, and next week its either work or attending talk in school. LOL.
yes statistic is one module that i've taken before, but that was duing year 1 of poly years. Thats like so long ago..couldn't even remember anything by now. Tried to really study the very first topic today but i gave up after the first page. And i would do anything except going back to study. haha i've been slacking for way too 5 months??? and now my brain can't seems to absorb the study materials. haha i guess i'll just fail. =)))) since new friends who i know didn't even register for the test. =)
and yeah so instead of studying, i was playing with share share the whole time. Helping him to take photo. haha and yeah! gonna buy him a new toilet for his birthday next mon. =))))
Meet Share Share!...
Hi, i'm share share new friend!

I like to ride on his head!....

And also other part of his body....

And when i'm not with Share Share, he's always sleepy....

Share Share: Stop taking photo of me la. I'm going to sleep....

Share Share: Zzzzzzzzzz
what we could have been, 8:52 PM.