Sunday, September 21, 2008
SUPER-DRAINED from all the law. ahaha so here to blog so as to relax my mind! =) was thinking of posting my lappy with the skin previously cos i kept complaining how ugly my lappy was before that when i just bought. haha so yup. here it is.....
This is the Front (obviously..haha

And the inside...
It looks ok from far but not when you get closer. Cos i kinda suck at handicraft and my hands and fingers are kinda retard..haha so yeah didn;t manage to stick it really nicely. =)))
And yeah..share got a new toilet! haha but apparently, this toilet is still kinda small which actualy defeats the purpose of me buying. cos intially wanted to get him a new one cos his old one is too small for his big butt. BUT SO SAD LA, there isn't any bigger toilet in the market. went soooo many pet shops and can;t find. haha and i think he likes his previous one better, so this new one (in the pic) , i changed it again. haha and yeah i bought another new one which is exactly the same as his previous previous one. =)
haha share is such a spoilt boy la. always give me that proud look. LOL but nevertheless, he is a happy rabbit. =)))) tried to bathe him today and i think i sorta scare the hell of out him. LOL cos he's having that "gong" look from afternoon till now since i bathe him. HAHA poor boy ah. BUT YOU REALLY DIRTY MA! =x
what we could have been, 11:39 PM.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I'm taking a little time off from the mountain-high-tall worth of assignments to blog. haha i needa relieve some kinda stress and sorta let my brain rest. He's so really drained after one long day of biz law and academic writing. I realised everyone around me is equally screwed as me..and their life is as crappy as mine! so i'm sorta more happy in that sense. haha i've had academic writing essay 2 to rush, biz law oral presentation to rush, biz law written report to rush, Leadership & Teambuilding quiz to study, Leadership and Teambuilding project to research on. And its all happening next week! The deadline is one after another..happening next week. I've had completely no idea how am i gonna finish all that with that SO little time of mine. Not to mention that i've work over the weekends. And ive proj meeting tml and sat too! oh my. see? life is tough man. I believe every single smu grad did really EARNED their cert with all the hardships that they've put through.
However, i've already accepted and adjusted myself to this crappy kind of life that i'm gonna lead for the following 3 or 4 years. And, i'm freaking going to find ways to enjoy it and relax myself! The first thing that i thought of is...not to take assignments and test or even exam so seriously. Afterall, i'm just aiming for a pass. HAHA and i'm so going to continue to watch my favorite drama and go shopping and go kbox when i feel like it. =))))))
And cheer myself up, i'm gonna buy this bag! LOL yeah although its kinda common already..but i just thought its simple and nice. =)
what we could have been, 11:11 PM.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
ok . HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MYSELF! =))) yeah although its late by an hour plus. hahaha yeah just reach home. wanted to go to bed cos i've sch tml morning. But i'm feeling so freaking full now that i can't sleep... haha went to eat jap buffet at suntec with scott and guys. And i'm feeling so guilty!!!! consecutive of good and fat food makes me grow fatter and fatter! =( and yeah! i'm so going to start my diet plan. REALLY!!!!
anyway i'm still trying to adapt to school although its already the 4th week... it's been pretty tough and hectic. But i guess i'll just hafta face it. no more escaping from reality. since i don't have pretty much choice. Transferring is still a valid option for me of cos. but its a hassle having to do those paper work and application stuff. sighh...wish me well!!! =))))
To myself: Jia you!!!!! =))))
what we could have been, 1:23 AM.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I shall not talk about unhappy things like school. hahas.
My sis finally decided to pack her wardobe that day..and i was hoping that she would of cos do me a favor by helping me to pack mine too. But she didn't. what a bad mei mei. although i am the mei mei..i like to call her bad mei mei because it sounds good in chinese. haha ok anyway i took down some pics of her wardrobe and mine..and realise that mine is really messy. LOL
This is my sis'd wardrobe....
And this is mine...LOL damn messy
And all this are my doings too..haha oh god. i'm such a messy person.
what we could have been, 11:46 PM.