Finally the LTB project execution is over! hahas but it also means that we've alot of shit to clear to prepare for the final presentation. well...nvm. Hang on there!!!! anyway the execution was pretty successful i guess... =)
First workshop....

Second Workshop... cl took this lousy pic. haha
yeah..his camera skill is damn lousy...
I took this pic..see the difference?
Finale excercies! =)
Me and HuiLi are busy camwhoring...hahas


this time we drag a old lady into the pic!
And happy me with my NEWwater! =)
what we could have been, 2:10 PM.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I'm so happy that i bought a dress today! and in school! haha if you're deprived, then you're able to shop anywhere! =))) However, i do have lots of dress that i wanna sell away and its all brand new. Man..sell to who?
what we could have been, 8:28 PM.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Boo! i'm so sad. Have to re-do my essay draft cos prof says my topic is too sensitive! and yeah i'm doing on exotic dancers..i.e. strip dancers. haha i thought it is really interesting to write on their professional identity! But...BAH. no i can't. And now i'm struggling with another draft of another profession. And this time round, i'm doing on a really really professional profession to be on the safe side. And its LAWYERS! oh well, hope it turns out fine! *pray*
And yeah. camwhore with jf's phone again the other day. hahas was trying to smile into the cam with showing my teeth. Cos fellow dear friends always say that i smile not showing my teeth. and da-tah, this is the last time i'm gonna do it cos i think i look pretty weird!

It's freaking weird!

This is more me.. =)
what we could have been, 11:05 PM.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Oh man! i got tons of work to do but i refused to do it! hahahas been slacking la. nevermind i shall start tomorrow! hope miracle will it always do! =))) Anyway wanted to change my stupid phone la. its simply sucks, the camera and the...whole thing. haha am using jf phone now since he's in ns. Don't feel like returning him la. been camwhoring with his phone. LOL.
oh and yeah! I bought a treadmill! yeah. I'm SO determined to lose weight! haha hopefully i'll use. maybe tomorrow i shall start using. hmm...i will! lalalala I'm so bored....
what we could have been, 11:47 PM.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
I shall not remind myself of how many things and assignments that i need to do but haven do by blogging about them..haha so i shall blog about happy stuff!
Went karaoke with JF and Matt yest. From 2pm to 3plus am. LOL i LOVE to go k but then its the first time that i've k for that long can. haha we went to partyworld to sing from 2pm to 6pm. Then a second round at kbox from 8+ pm to 3am. As yest was damn ex and i'm kinda broke, jf and matt treated me for the second round! hee! THANKS GUYS! although you guys were idiot enuff to prevent me from heading home to sleep. haha yest was fun and i really enjoy it! It's been so long since i had fun. =)
With matt...=)

with JF.. =)

what we could have been, 4:44 PM.