Friday, November 28, 2008
well, now that exam is over....i get to enjoy my holiday and focus on my aim and goal. And that is.....TO SLIM DOWN! i couldn't fit into my dress. and i've only wore that once la. freaking sad can. and it just shows that i've grown freaking fat. and
i'm becoming more and more afraid of looking in the my fat self. hahas, and i'm considering of going to slimming centre. so hopefully, by next year...i can say GOODBYE to all my fats, and WELCOME the slim me! =)))))
what we could have been, 11:00 PM.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Finally! my first paper is over! haha. i freaking hate biz law and its over! thou the paper is rather screwed, but till.... don't hafta study it anymore! unless i fail and hafta retake la. now, i'm left with one more paper on wed. can't wait la. thou i'm less than half done with my studying. hahas. and i'm so angry with share share la. stupid boy bite my sandal till the strap came off! =( there goes my sandal! means i hafta get a new one. sighhh..waste money again. share share always bite here bite there, and he even went to bite the wall. -___-""" i bet he is really freaking hungry all the time.
caught in action!
and when i scold him, he attempt to move away and target the curtain! -__-"

checking to see if i'm looking at him before he starts to bite the shell.
Acting innocent when i shouted at him. stupid boy.
what we could have been, 9:57 PM.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Been trying to study for my biz law exam..but nothing goes into my head. I guess thats cos i didnt put my heart into it. hahahas. cos I'm watching show and reading at the same time. HAHA anyway this week was suppose to be my study week but then, it seems that half of the week have already been wasted. hee.
Met up with mic & friends again last chill and eat. Went to eat hotpot culture, then to esplanade, then to serangoon garden to chill. hahas
The botaks at hotpot culture...
Us at esplanade =)

The girls...

Me totally tired at some random pub/cafe in serangoon garden. =)
And i went kbox with sis on mon also. hahas
Am wearing the nerdy glass cos i didn't put makeup. hahas
what we could have been, 4:52 PM.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
well, LTB is finally over!!!! how great is that man. and yest was my first virgin experience of staying in school overnight to do project. hahaha stayed till finish up our LTB portfolio. it was super duper thick la. as thick as .....2 or 3 law textbook. hahas. freaking tired and shagged thou. I guess i'm more adapt to all these crappy work and assignments by now. semester one is coming to an end real soon. In like two weeks time, i'll be freeeeee like a bird for errrr one month. hahas pathethic but better than nothing! I wanna go overseas! =)))) Looking forward.... =))))
BTW, SHARE, MUMMY LOVE YOU KAYS!!!! although i neglected you recently due to my massive workload! <3<3<3
what we could have been, 8:06 AM.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Zzzzzzzzzzz I'm super duper tired and shagged. haha slept for only 3 hours last night cos reach home at only 2am plus and i hafta wake up at 7am today!!!! its all because of project meeting la. haha so freakinnnnnggg shagged. And sunday in smu is like monday. 9am to 7pm....all projects!!!!!! crap. wasted my whole day can. ARGH!!!! can't wait for exams to be over!
anyway, went partyworld last night with my long lost poly friends! haha
me, jf and mic =)

Me wearing jf cap, and mic wearing scott cap. haha

me, regina, and selina =)
what we could have been, 9:14 PM.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Boo! i am freaking tired and brain drained. From AW!!!!! but its coming to an end soon! next week. I promise myself a new pair of jeans probably or top! Gotta reward myself thou i always do that. hahahaha sch has been moving freaking fast and its coming to the end of the term. =)))))))))))) And now i'm left with two project sub & presentation, one essay, 2 quiz, and 2 final exams. All happening within the next 2 weeks!!!!!! oh my.
Anyway just some random shots.

what we could have been, 12:52 AM.