well, i got mid term test tml...and i can't get myself to concentrate to study for the test. HAHA doing all stuff like painting my nails, play with baby and share, surf net, watch show...EXCEPT studying. well, still got time what..its only 4 plus now. LOL
and....kim hyun joong is freaking hot!

see? he's TOTALLY cute!!!!!! =)
what we could have been, 4:21 PM.
bah. just some random pics...=)

This beautiful thing was delivered to my workplace yest... =)

Together with a toy rabbit that look like baby!

So..after i got home..i started camwhoring with it. AHA
well, just wanna say THANK YOU for the flowers!!!! was pleasantly surprised la.

baby acting cute at his door....
and he seems to like my shoes alot....


and he like to lie beside my leg..=)

mum's birthday celebration....

with aunt...

with dad.... never realise that they've age till i look at this pic.

what we could have been, 12:43 PM.