Wednesday, March 25, 2009
well, i didn't get my summer module. am feeling kinda sad but also kinda happy. sad cos it's really worth it to trade my one month holiday for a regular term module. but happy cos now i got my full holiday! sighhh....never mind.
anyway some very long time back ago, my sis did something very silly...
she changed Mr pringles into Ms pringles. hahas


what we could have been, 1:18 PM.
well, share is still suffering from sock hores. Grrrr... such a sickling. and so i bought him socks to wear so that his feet will be protected. BUT, he really doesn't appreaciate it as he'll kick it off when i try to fit it in. And so, annoyed at him, i put the socks in his ears... HAHA

tsk tsk..such a insensible kid. On the other hand, baby is bery healthy and he's liking his friend more by the day...

=) bah..back to projectsssss.
what we could have been, 4:21 PM.
well, life is really sad for me. It doesn't feel like a sunday today cos i'm in school rushing out assignments and project that is due tomorrow. its a freaking sunday today! yet the library is packed. guess that the life for most smu sudent.
went to the e-awards yest and all i can say is xiao zhu is freaking popular. haha when he's on stage, everyone stands up and scream like crazy. hahas
took this view while all the others bo liaos artiste is singing...

nice although it not that clear. hahas
what we could have been, 4:10 PM.
well, just came back from hong kong and macau. all i can say is that hong kong is so very not fun! Firstly, the people there are pretty fierce and bad-tempered. Then the food sucks like hell. And the shopping is pretty much like singapore, but some are alot more expensive than ours. And the streets looks kinda dirty... which sums up to the conclusion that i won't be going hong kong again unless neccessary. haha but on the other hand macau is soooooo much better! the streets are freaking pretty. The casinos are very grand and the food is nice!!!
And so we took alot of tons..those were just 1% of all. haha
The first day in hong kong....

Second day in hong the subway again.

view from the mtr...

it was kinda magnificient up there..and it was the world's largest statue.
went ocean park on the third day....

playing merry-go-round and that was the first and last ride...LOL

Went macau and stayed at relatives house... =)
The first meal in Macua..pork bun! very nice!

right after prok bun, we went to eat egg tarts... haha
Then we went to the black beach..supose to have black sands...
with my cousin from macau...
then, went to one of the casino...

The interior are really nice la!

Second day at macau...
me and my sis really wanted to go to places where F4 and Jandi went in the korean ver of boys before flowers... and so we went! haha we were freaking excited!!!!! I could almost smell Ji Hoo there! hahaha
and we sit the boat that Ji Hoo and Jan Di did in the show...haha
last day in Macau..went to one of the pier...

But i love my ice blended vanilla thou. =)

what we could have been, 11:48 PM.